


ambit of charges征稅范圍,收費范圍

annual allowance每年免稅額,年度津貼

annual balance年度余額

assessable income應評稅收入,可估計收入

assessable loss應評稅虧損

assessable profit應評稅利潤

assessed profit估定利潤




asset-liability management資產(chǎn)負債管理

asset-liability ratio資產(chǎn)負債比

asset price資產(chǎn)價格

asset out of book賬外資產(chǎn)

assets account資產(chǎn)賬戶

assets accounting資產(chǎn)會計

assets allocation fund資產(chǎn)分配基金

assets appraisal資產(chǎn)重估價

assets cover資產(chǎn)擔保

assets coverage ratio資產(chǎn)擔保率

assets inventory shortage資產(chǎn)盤虧

assets inventory surplus資產(chǎn)盤盈

assets management資產(chǎn)管理

assets motive資產(chǎn)動機

assets play資產(chǎn)隙

assets ratio資產(chǎn)比率

assets redeployment資產(chǎn)重新配置

assets reserve資產(chǎn)準備

assets retirement資產(chǎn)報廢

assets revaluation資產(chǎn)重估

assets settlement資產(chǎn)決算,資產(chǎn)清算

assets specificity資產(chǎn)專用性

assets stripping資產(chǎn)剝離

assets swap資產(chǎn)互換

assets turnover資產(chǎn)周轉(zhuǎn)率

assets valuation資產(chǎn)估值

back duty補繳稅款

base year基年

basic allowance 基本免稅額

capital levy資本稅;資產(chǎn)稅

capital tax資本稅

child allowance子女免稅額

confirmation of payment已繳稅證明書

council tax地方稅

customs declaration報關單

customs drawback關稅退還

customs entry進口報關

customs quota海關配額

customs union關稅同盟


tariff association保險費稅率同盟;關稅同盟

tariff barrier關稅壁壘

tariff control收費管制

tariff rate保險協(xié)定費稅率,關稅率

tariff wall關稅壁壘



taxable bracket應課稅組別

taxable capacity納稅能力

taxable income應稅收入

taxable payroll emolument應課稅薪酬總額

taxable profit應課稅利潤

taxable value應課稅價值

tax agent稅務代理人

tax assessment征稅估值


taxation bureau稅務局

taxation office稅務署

taxation payment稅款

tax avoidance避稅

tax band稅階

tax base計稅基數(shù),稅基

tax benefit稅收利益

taxbreak 減稅,賦稅減免

tax burden稅務負擔,稅項負擔

tax collector稅務員

tax concession稅項寬減

tax credit稅收減免


tax defaulter欠稅者

tax discharged注銷稅款

tax dodging逃稅

tax due到期應繳稅款

tax element稅收成分

tax evasion逃稅

tax exemption免稅

tax farmer稅款包收人,包稅商

tax heaven避稅安樂窩

tax heldover延緩繳納稅款

tax holiday免稅期

tax in default拖欠稅款

tax inspector稅務稽查員

tax investigation稅務調(diào)查

tax liability納稅責任,稅務負擔

tax loophole稅制漏洞

tax net稅網(wǎng)

tax payable應繳稅款


tax position課稅情況

tax proposal稅收建議

tax rebate出口退稅

tax regime稅制

tax relief稅項寬免

tax reserve certificate儲稅券

tax return納稅申報單

tax selling納稅拋售

tax shelter合法避稅手段

tax stamp印花稅票

tax stoodover延緩繳納稅款

tax system課稅制度,稅制

tax threshold起征點

tax undercharge短征稅款

tax year 稅務年度

FA票 invoice;receipt

發(fā)FA票登記簿 invoice register

發(fā)FA票金額 invoice amount

發(fā)FA票聯(lián) invoice copy

稅單號碼 charge number

稅額限定 rate-capping

稅后凈運營利潤 NOPAT(net operating profit after tax)

稅后利潤率 after tax profit margin

稅后收益 earnings after tax

稅款 tax;taxation; taxation payment

稅前收入 before-tax income

稅收 revenue

稅收抵免合格性 eligibility for tax credit 

稅項寬減  taxconcession 

稅項寬免  taxrelief 

所得稅 income tax

所得稅減免 marginal relief

所得稅預扣法 pay-as-you-earn;pay-as-you-go

征收 collection

征收額 levy

征收年度 year of assessment

征稅 levy;put;taxation

征稅范圍 ambit of charges

征稅估值 tax assessment





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