
天津大學Tianjin University

天津大學Tianjin University

天津大學(Tianjin University, Peiyang University),簡稱“天大”,坐落于天津市,其前身為北洋大學,始建于1895年10月2日,是中國第一所現(xiàn)代大學。1951年,北洋大學與河北工學院合并定為現(xiàn)名。是享譽海內外的綜合性高水平研究型大學。

Tianjin University is the oldest institution of higher education in the modern history of China. Founded in 1895 as Peiyang University, Tianjin University’s 125-year history is the epitome of the progress of modern Chinese higher education, embodying the Chinese people’s indomitability through challenging times. During its growth spanning three centuries, the University has been a pioneer in several fields, from the first aero engine in China to the first Hydraulics Laboratory established in China. The following timeline presents all the milestones that Tianjin University has passed on its way through history. See TJU take each step as it comes, and grow throughout the years into the leading research and teaching institute it is today. 

天津大學Tianjin University

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