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Shocking videos emerging from city in northern China of a woman being beaten up for rejecting a man's advances. Eight of the nine culprits have been arrested. 

Five men in Tangshan, Hebei province, brutally assaulted a woman in a restaurant after she turned down unwanted attention from one of them. The woman suffered serious injuries, and the attack has sparked furious demands to address misogyny.

Surveillance footage of men attacking women in a restaurant in the north-eastern city of Tangshan has unleashed a flood of outrage on Chinese social media, prompting calls for punishment and renewing a debate over the treatment of women.

The footage coming out of Tangshan today is horrific, every woman's worst nightmare. Shocking footage is going viral of a woman refusing a man's advances at a restaurant. She is then punched, chairs are thrown, & she is dragged by her hair into the street, JUST FOR SAYING NO.

A group of men in Tangshan, China, was filmed brutally attacking a woman after she rejected unwanted advances from one of them. This is not a standalone incident in China. Women are being assaulted in broad daylight. This epidemic of gender-based violence can’t be ignored.

Actors in the entertainment industry take to social media to voice their anger after a group of men sexually harassed and then beat up women at a hot pot restaurant in Tangshan

Nine people have been arrested in China after a video went viral of a brutal attack by a group of men on women in the city of Tangshan, police say.

警方通報, 一群男子在唐山市野蠻毆打女性事件在社交媒體迅速傳播后,九名涉案人員已被逮捕。

It has led to an outcry on social media and re-ignited debate about gender violence in China.

這一事件在社交媒體激起強烈譴責,并在中國引發(fā)關于性別暴 力的討論。

The social news of the violent restaurant incident in Tangshan city in Hebei. 




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唐山打人事件英語翻譯 2022-6-13




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