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Part 1主題(Subject) 

【問題】Questions about & regarding…/ An enquiry about…

【招呼】Greetings from…/ Hi from…/ Check in

【更新】Update on & to…/ Follow-upon…/ Progress on…

【提醒】Reminder: …/ Please read: …

【約定】Meeting today & tomorrow / XXX Schedule / Reschedule

Part 2 稱呼


Hi + first name / Prof. & Dr. & Mr. & Ms. & Mrs. + last name / everyone / all / there / students / community / candidates / admission officer

Hello + 同上

Dear + 同上

Hey + 同上:注意,Hey用于非常熟的人,一般較少使用

Good Morning / Afternoon + 同上

To + 同上



【通用問候】Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening

【通用問候2】How’re you / How is everything going / How things are going for you

【自己主動發(fā)郵件】Hope you’re doing well / Hope you’re well / Hope you continue to be well / Hope you and your family are all well

【對方來信后】Thank you for reaching out / Thank you for contacting me about / Thank you for your email / Thanks for your note

【對方回復后】Thank you for your reply / Thanks for your reply / Thanks for your quick & prompt response / Thank you for getting back to me

【見面后/會議后/交流后】It was a (great) pleasure to meet you last Friday & this morning & yesterday / As promised / As we discussed last week & yesterday / As I mentioned earlier & before

【二次發(fā)送(首發(fā)郵件未收到回復)】I hope this email finds you well

【自己回復晚了】Sincere apologies for the delay here / Sorry for my late reply / I apologize for not replying you earlier

【收到/了解/發(fā)送不好的消息】I’m sorry to hear that…/ I’m sorry to let you know…/ Unfortunately / It’s with great sadness that I write to inform you that…

Part 4 正文



I’m writing to ask & check & confirm & inform you & let you know & announce that & invite you to…

I’m writing to you about & regarding & with regards to & in regards to & concerning…

I want to reach out to you to…/ I am reaching out to you as & because…

I have some questions regarding…


【疑問求助】May I know…/ I’d like to know…/ I’m curious about…/ I have a question about & regarding & concerning…/ Could you please tell me…/ Would you mind telling me…/ Would you please send me…/ I would appreciate (a lot & much) if you can…/ Is it possible for you to…

【查看附件】I’ve attached…to this email / I’ve attached…for your reference / Please find the document attached / Here’re the details

【查看信息】Please see the diagram & graph & pictures & information & details below / Please see the website for more information

【提示】As a reminder / This is a reminder to…/ This email is a reminder about…/ Just a reminder to…

Part 5 結束語

【等待回信】I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon / Please let me know if you have questions & queries & concerns / Please let me know if that works / I would love your feedback on…

【預約成功】I look forward to talking with you next week & tomorrow / Talk to you then / See you then & tomorrow & onFriday

【長期聯系】Feel free to contact me / Anytime / Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions / Let’s keep in touch / Please keep me informed of …/ I’m happy to discuss this further if necessary

【表示感謝】Thank you for your time in advance / Appreciate for your time & help / Thanks again / Thanks a lot for your help & assistance / Thanks for your information / Thanks for your patience & understanding & consideration

Part 6 落款


Best / Best regards / Best wishes / All the best / Kind regards / Thanks / Cheers / Sincerely

Part 7 Tips


-郵件措辭盡量客氣禮貌,避免強硬的要求,比如:You have to / must / need to,多用請求類語句Could you please…/ May I have…/ I’d love to…






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郵件中英文翻譯 2022-4-25
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